Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS)
All Weather Inc. (AWI) is a world leader in the manufacture of AWOS systems designed for small, medium, large and multi-runway airports. AWI manufactures sensors and systems that meet the stringent requirements of the FAA and ICAO. With this design base, AWI is easily able to adapt and customize the AWOS system to meet any local requirements and or specifications.
The AWI AWOS system is run with the MetObserver aviation reporting software package. The MetObserver display and reporting package contains features and functions for extremely configurable displays and has virtually every required aviation report currently available. The system also has features to create custom reports when needed. The sensor complement of the MetObserver AWOS may include any or all of the following:
- Wind Speed / Wind Direction
- Temperature / Humidity
- Dew Point
- Barometric Pressure (QNH, QFE)
- Visibility (MOR, RVR)
- Present Weather (Precipitation Identification)
- Cloud Height and Sky Condition
- Density Altitude
- Runway Surface Sensor
- Solar Radiation
- Lightning/Thunderstorm Detection
The MetObserver AWOS supports multiple sensor sites as required for Category I-III B operations. This includes single or multiple position Runway Visual Range (RVR) systems which can be provided utilizing either dual technology forward scatter visibility sensors or standard forward scatter technology.
All MetObserver AWOS sensors are built to the same high quality you would expect from All Weather Inc. All sensors meet or exceed the requirements of the ICAO, WMO and the FAA for airport equipment.

A precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height not lower than 200 feet (61 m) above touchdown zone elevation and with either a visibility not less than 2,625 feet (800 m) or a runway visual range not less than 1,800 feet (550 m). An aircraft equipped with an Enhanced Flight Vision System may, under certain circumstances, continue an approach to CAT II minimums.
- 10m Tower
- Wind Speed & Direction
- Temperature/Humidity
- Barometric Pressure (Dual)
- Precipitation
- Visibility + RVR
- Cloud Height
- Present Weather (Optional)
- Lightning Detection (Optional)
MetObserver Overview
All Weather Inc.'s MetObserver software is a powerful client-server system with a customizable, all-inclusive interface that opens the door to the practical use of meteorological data. The extensive store of information collected by the MetObserver system is now available for display, retrieval, and editing at a single location.
Complete system logs and reports - including METAR, SPECI, SYNOP, AIRMET, SIGMET, TAF, and Local reports - can be called up, along with current and past alarms, system status, and present conditions.
Fully customizable meteorological alarm thresholds, report parameters, manual observations, and user access levels make the MetObserver software truly responsive to the unique needs of every airfield.
User Groups
Create custom users and groups to allow or restrict access to specific areas of the software. Reduce clutter by enabling only essential features.
Fully Configurable
Set meteorological alarm thresholds, configure reports, set sensor constants, and control data log storage. The intuitive MetObserver interface provides direct configuration control through user-friendly dialogs and menus.
Comprehensive Reports
Generate multiple report types for output over ATIS, and AFTN, including METAR/SPECI, SYNOP, Met Report, AIRMET, SIGMET, and TAF. Use the Report Editor to customize report content and incorporate it automatically into the compliant format.
Accessible History
Review, print, and export complete system history, including transmitted reports, generated alarms, and data logs. Create graphs from exported data.
Detailed System Status
Use the Diagnostic View to monitor sensor and system operation. Detailed status information is broken out into its component parts, eliminating the need to decode cryptic status messages. Easily isolate existing and potential system problems.
AWOS Net is a data display network that leverages the capability of All Weather Inc’s Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) to broadcast current weather information to a flexible network of display stations. Using AWOS Net, current, accurate weather information is available to local and remote displays.
The AWOS Net system consists of an AWOS Net controller and communication interface connected to an AWOS, along with one or more displays. The AWOS Net receives data only from the AWOS and cannot transmit data back to the AWOS. This closed system of one-way communication ensures that the data displayed by the AWOS Net will always be up to date and accurate.
There are three types of communication link offered with the AWOS Net.
- RS-232 is the standard communication type for most AWOS Net servers
- A UHF radio link is available for units placed at a distance from the AWOS
- RS-485 is used in cases where a hard-wired connection is preferred but the distance from the AWOS exceeds 500 feet
At a minimum of once per minute, the AWOS broadcasts its latest weather data. The AWOS Net controller acquires this information from the AWOS CDP and broadcasts it to all active remote displays via an Ethernet connection. This system allows any AWOS Net display to receive up-to-date information within milliseconds of the broadcast. Remote users can also view the AWOS weather data in a standard web browser via the internet or local network connection.
This web based product pulls together weather and system information from any AWI AWOS around the globe. The information is graphically displayed on a map of the area of interest. This powerful software product now allows users to quickly view any series of AWOS system weather information for improved flight planning, and with a security logon, can view system and sensor status from each station, thus improving maintenance information and repair timing. For an example of this product, please visit